Be Yourself…While Finding your brand

When I first started my career I was never big on social media. Honestly thinking about it I never even had a Facebook until 5 years ago. I have noticed the importance of posting my work consistently. It is a great way to showcase your talent for people to see! Not until recently though did I start to understand the concept of branding.

To be honest when I first heard the word “Branding” I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant. After taking a social media virtual class during quarantine I had a much better concept. I came to the realization that branding is simply just being YOURSELF. This can be accomplished by sharing what you are passionate about. For myself these passions are family, fitness, education, writing and of course hair.

I have learned that based on your passions you need to create an image. Again remembering to be yourself. Your image will play a large role in your business. It will help people learn about you and what you stand for. Take for example this website. I never thought I would be doing this. Literally blogging about what I love. Through this journey a dear friend made the suggestion of a blogging site and here we are.

While working on my “Brand” I have learned to enjoy the journey and embrace the detours. This journey has blessed me with the opportunity to start something new and trust in the magic of beginnings.


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